2019上半年全球市场展望与主要市场投资形势 – 如何在市场大波动中寻找投资机会
讲座也将同时介绍 “基本面与技术面分析投资策略” 课程。
讲师资历 Trainer’s Profile:
黄先生在股票证券市场上累积了超过 20 年交易实战经验,他自2007年起通过新交所学院 (SGX Academy) 主办的投资讲座与课程,为投资大众传授股票证券基本面与技术面分析投资略。黄先生曾经义务担任新加坡股票经纪协会荣誉财政一职,是该协会延续教育课程的培训讲师之一,主讲股票证券投资的相关课程。该课程专为股票证券经纪和交易员而设计,课程经新加坡交易所认证。
黄先生曾在 “存钱有方,理财有道” (MoneySENSE) 主办的 “明智投资之道” (My Money) 投资教育大会上,代表新加坡交易所学院向投资大众发表 “交易型挂牌指数基金” (ETFs) 专题演讲。 2017年5月,新交所配合《联合早报》 出版的华文投资手册《自学成财》,黄先生受新交所的邀请,在联合早报和新交所学院联办的推介会与投资讲座上,向早报读者和投资新手发表 “展望2017下半年本地股市动向” 主题演讲。同年6月 《联合早报》 和新交所在新加坡书展举办另一场投资讲座,他再度受邀为投资大众探讨 “ 现在是否是投资本地股市的好时机”。
黄先生也受邀在马来西亚交易所 (Bursa Malaysia),新加坡技术分析师协会 (TASS),投资大会 (INVEST Fair),投资研讨会 (INVEST Conference) 等向会员和投资大众发表主题演讲。 黄先生也为城市频道财经节目 (Capital 958 radio) 分析区域市场大盘走势。 黄先生毕业于澳洲昆士兰大学 (University of Queensland) 商学系,拥有工商管理硕士 (MBA) 学位。
Clement Wong
Mr Clement Wong has more than 20 years of wealth experience dealing in stocks and shares. As a professional trainer for the SGX Academy, he has been conducting seminars and courses in English and Mandarin in the areas of Fundamental and Technical Analysis for Shares Investing, Portfolio Management and various other finance and investment related training programmes since 2007.
Mr Wong has been invited by SGX to give a presentation on ETFs to the investing public at “My Money” investors’ education series organized by MoneySENSE. On May 2017, SGX, in conjunction with Lianhe Zaobao, organised the launch event for the Chinese investment hand book “自学成财” which was published by Lianhe Zaobao, Mr Wong was invited by SGX to give a presentation on “Stock Market Outlook” to the investing public at this launch event. In the following month, Lianhe Zaobao and SGX jointly held another investment seminar at the Singapore Book Fair, Mr Wong was invited to give a presentation on “Is it a good time to invest in the local stock market”.
Mr Wong has also been invited to speak on the technical and fundamental aspects of equity and securities investment for members of the Technical Analysts Society of Singapore. He was also invited to speak at Bursa Malaysia, INVEST fair, INVEST Conference etc. and was invited to give commentary on regional stock markets via MediaCorp’s “Capital 958 radio” investment programme. Mr Wong holds a Master of Business Administrations (MBA) from the University of Queensland, Australia.
询问详情,请拨打:6327 5438 或 电邮:register@sgxacademy.com
(营业时间: 9.00am to 5.00pm)